Miami Tribe
Found in 8 Collections and/or Records:
Francis Godfroy correspondence
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2242
Scope and Contents
This collection includes photostats and photocopies of correspondence primarily to Francis Godfroy, dating from 1824 to 1847. Those corresponding with Francis Godfroy include William Griffith Ewing, concerning fur trade and other business relations; Allen Hamilton, a close friend who served as executor of Francis Godfroy's last will and testament; Thomas Hamilton; Colonel Abel C. Pepper, superintendent of Indian reservations and Indian agent; Samuel Milroy, Pepper's successor; John Forsyth;...
Henry Hamilton journal
Collection — Folder: S2862
Identifier: S2862
Scope and Contents
This collection comprises photostats of the 175-page journal of British colonial Governor Henry Hamilton, ranging from 1778 to 1779. The original item is located at Harvard University Library. The journal provides detailed descriptions of the divisions and arrangement of forces in the British military for the Western Campaign (p. 54), including Native Americans, volunteers, militia, and regulars; of British movement along the rivers and lakes, including the employment of gun boats;...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Henry Hamilton journal
Jane Frazier diary
Collection — Folder: S2988
Identifier: S2988
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of a typed transcription of a portion of a diary with the title "Great-Grandmother of Goods and Hildebradt Tells of Her Capture and Release by Indians 2 Centuries Ago." The diary from which this 5-page typed transcription is taken was in the possession of John Good and his brothers near Lockport, a few miles west of Logansport, Indiana. The diary recounts Jane Frazier's captrue by Miami Indians, her treatment by those Indians, her adoption into the tribe, her escape...
1755-1815, undated
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Jane Frazier diary
Miami National Reserve maps
Collection — Folder: S1622
Identifier: S1622
Scope and Contents
This collection includes seven half sheet maps and one full size map, hand drawn in ink on vellom paper. The first half-size one is entitled "T. 21, N., R. 1 E. 2nd Mer." Each half-size map following is labeled the same except for the T. (Township) number, which progresses from 21 to 27. The full-size map is: "Township No. 27 N, Range No. 4 E 2nd Mer." On this larger map, the Wabash River is along the bottom edge with Miamisport just north of the river. The sections above Miamisport are: 3 and...
circa 1818-1840s
Native American treaties photostat collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2202
Scope and Contents
There are three pieces of paper, all photostats, in this collection. Two photostats are of the treaty made with the Miami Indians at Sy. Mary's in Ohio on October 6, 1818. The third photostat is President John Quincy Adams' approval of the treaty, which is dated 1827. There are also oversize folders containing photostats of treaties with the Wyandot, Potawatomi, Ottawa, Chippewa, Seneca, Delaware, Miami, and Shawnee peoples ranging from 1817 to 1832 (OB179) and from 1814 to 1818...
1814-1832, undated
Thaddeus Butler collection
Identifier: S3504
Scope and Contents
This collection consists principally of Thaddeus Butler’s papers relating to his work with the Miami Indians (1880-1882). Included are his correspondence and instructions from the Office of Indian Affairs, and copies of his censuses and payment records for the Miami Indians in Indiana, Kansas, the Indian Territory (Oklahoma), and other areas. There are two oversize collections including Miami Indian payroll list, 1866 (OBC116); Eel River, Miami Indian census rolls, 1884/04/07...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Thaddeus Butler collection
Travel diary
Collection — Folder: S1525
Identifier: S1525
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of a travel diary written on both sides of one sheet of paper by an unknown man from Wells County, Indiana. Dated from June 26 to July 4, 1852, the author chronicles his trip from Margaret Krewson's house in Wells County to the communities of Uniontown, Zanesville, and Roanoke and notes some of his activities following his return to the Krewson's house. His narrative mentions several people he visited, including James and Margaret Barrett, Peter Mulrine, and William...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Travel diary
Treaty of St. Mary's collection
Collection — Box: L614
Identifier: L614
Scope and Contents
This collection includes a treaty between the United States government, the Miami Indian tribe, and territorial leaders in St. Mary's, Ohio during October 3-6, 1818.
1818 October