Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 106
Harry H. Martindale collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: G-072
Scope and Contents
This collection includes genealogical research, correspondence, and other matierlas primarily from Harry H. Martindale with lesser amounts included by Winfred L. Martindale and other researchers in the United States and England ranging from 1863 to 1984, regarding the Martindale, Maxey, Pearson, McCray, Howard, Hurt, and other related families.
1863 - 1984
Found in:
Hazel W. Hopper papers
Collection — Folder: S0681
Identifier: S0681
Scope and Contents
This collection contains letters, receipts, and other materials from the Pickard and Hopper families, ranging from 1864 to 1975. The Pickard papers, include the correspondence, tax receipts, and bank receipts of Thomas, Henry (Bluford), and Jeff Pickard from 1864 to1931; an Encampment Week letter dated April 4th, 1893 from Evansville, Indiana; a letter to Gorman Pickard from The Home Journal magazine regarding a contest he entered in 1898; a certificate from T.A. Slocum, M.C. for...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Helen F. Bennett papers
Collection — Folder: S2220
Identifier: S2220
Scope and Contents
This collection includes correspondence, clippings, articles of incorporation and other organizational documents, photographs, and postcards from the Navy Comforts Committee in Indiana and the United States, as well as documents used or created by Helen F. Bennett ranging from 1888 to 1939 regarding the Comforts Committee of the Navy League. Correspondents include the Navy League of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy, Studebaker, the U.S.S. Indiana, Daughters of the American...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Henry E. Wahl collection
Identifier: L172
Scope and Contents
The collection largely consists of letters to and from Henry E. Wahl, Jr. and his family in Bloomington, Indiana, California, Hawaii, the Philippines, and the Pacific theatre, ranging from 1936 to circa 1953, regarding family life, work after college, and experiences during and after World War II in the Pacific. There are also many letters from other family members to his parents, Maude and Henry Ethan Wahl, Sr., including those of his brother Donald Wahl, who was also serving in the U.S....
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Henry K. English collection
Identifier: L053
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of accounts and organizational records belonging to Joseph K. English, including an account book for his painting business, receipts, checks, bills, broadsides, and letters of the U.C., an anti-Copperhead organization in Indianapolis (1862). It includes a record book of the Indianapolis City Treasurer, minutes of the Fall Creek and Warren Township Gravel Road Company and accounts of the Marion County Association for the Detection of Horse Thieves. There is a record book...
1855-1937, undated
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Henry Ward Beecher collection
Identifier: L600
Scope and Contents
This collection includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, postcards, advertisements, and realia from a personal collector in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from 1830 to 1887 regarding Henry Ward Beecher's life and career in Brooklyn, New York and Indianapolis, Indiana.
There is also an oversize folder containing a portrait engraving of Beecher and newspaper clippings about him ranging from circa 1813 to 1887 (OBC122).
There is also an oversize folder containing a portrait engraving of Beecher and newspaper clippings about him ranging from circa 1813 to 1887 (OBC122).
circa 1830-1887
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Hermann and Lotte Termeer collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S3272
Scope and Contents
This collection contains materials regarding Hermann and Lotte Termeer ranging from 1911 to 1945. Included in this collection is timeline of personal data about Hermann Termeer, a letter and postcard to Klara Riesterer of the Lebensmittelamt from Erich Riesterer, a service award won by Hermann Termeer from the Sinclair Corp. There are also several photographs, including several portraits of the Termeers, the workers of the German Sinclair Group, and 1 photograph of soldiers in the field....
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Indiana Forum, Inc. collection
Identifier: L499
Scope and Contents
This collection includes correspondence, memorandums, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, photographs and other documents ranging from 1968 to 1977 regarding the establishment of the Indiana Forum, Inc. (INFO) and the organization's public service activities. The collection contains several publications, including the INFO pamphlet Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Tax: A Basic Book on Public Finance in Indiana (circa 1970s); the pamphlets Retirement, Discipline and Removal of...
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Indiana state emblems collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2354
Scope and Contents
This collection contains various items ranging from 1923 to 1982 and undated regarding the state emblems of Indiana, including postcards with the state flag and state flower, pamphlets about the state emblems published by the Indiana Historical Bureau, and reproduced images of the peony and tulip tree. The collection also includes a circa 1976 pamphlet about the state seal from the Secretary of State's office that was printed in conjunction with the United States Bicentennial Celebration;...
circa 1903-1982, undated
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Indianapolis businesses collection
Collection — Folder: S1978
Identifier: S1978
Scope and Contents
This collection includes commercially printed brochures, business forms, post cards envelopes and typed and autographed, signed letters and post cards from businesses in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from 1880 to 1885 and undated regarding business services and contracts.
1880-1885, undated
Found in:
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Filtered By
- Subject: Postcards X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Rare Books and Manuscripts 104
- Genealogy 2
- Subject
- Correspondence 60
- Photographs 51
- Clippings 34
- Indianapolis (Ind.) 24
- Pamphlets 18
- Family life 14
- World War, 1914-1918 14
- Soldiers 13
- Scrapbooks 12
- Advertisements 11
- Family history 10
- Ephemera 9
- Poetry 9
- World War, 1939-1945 9
- Politics and government 8
- Account books 7
- Diaries 7
- Dwellings 7
- Greeting cards 7
- Societies and clubs 7
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
- Negatives 6
- Portraits 6
- Receipts (Acknowledgements) 6
- Ribbons 6
- Certificates 5
- Elections 5
- Evansville (Ind.) 5
- Family 5
- Genealogy 5
- Illinois 5
- Marion County (Ind.) 5
- New York (N.Y.) 5
- Newspaper articles 5
- Periodicals 5
- Photograph albums 5
- Tintypes 5
- Advertising cards 4
- Anderson (Ind.) 4
- Authors -- Indiana 4
- Authors and publishers 4
- Buildings 4
- Business 4
- Christmas cards 4
- Courthouses 4
- Education 4
- Franklin (Ind.) 4
- Freemasons -- Indiana 4
- Hendricks County (Ind.) 4
- Indiana -- Politics and government 4
- Indiana -- Politics and government -- 20th century 4
- Invitation cards 4
- Kentucky 4
- Manuscripts 4
- Maps 4
- Military life 4
- Ohio 4
- Programs 4
- Railroads 4
- Tickets 4
- Travel 4
- Universities and colleges 4
- Vincennes (Ind.) 4
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Military life 4
- Advertising 3
- Authors, American -- Indiana -- 20th century 3
- Bridges 3
- California 3
- Commencement ceremonies 3
- Envelopes (Stationery) 3
- Essays 3
- Florida 3
- Greencastle (Ind.) 3
- Hotels 3
- Indiana 3
- Martinsville (Ind.) 3
- Minutes (Records) 3
- Missouri 3
- New Castle (Ind.) 3
- Newsletters 3
- Parades 3
- Photographers 3
- Poets, American 3
- Saint Louis (Mo.) 3
- Schools 3
- State parks 3
- Students 3
- Telegrams 3
- Terre Haute (Ind.) 3
- Universities and colleges -- Indiana 3
- Virginia 3
- Washington (D.C.) 3
- American poetry 2
- American poetry -- 20th century 2
- Animals 2
- Authors, American 2
- Autobiography 2
- Autographs 2
- Automobiles 2 ∧ less
- Language
- English 105
- Danish 1
- German 1
- Japanese 1
- Names
- Ade, George, 1866-1944 2
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 2
- Grand Army of the Republic (U.S.) 2
- Indiana University 2
- Indiana. Division of State Parks 2
- Indiana. State Board of Agriculture 2
- McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949 2
- Methodist Episcopal Church 2
- Moore family 2
- Quick, Floyd Edgar, 1877-1962 2
- Republican Party (Ind.) 2
- Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916 2
- United States. Army 2
- United States. Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 47th (1861-1865) 2
- United States. Navy 2
- Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944 2
- Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951 1
- Adkinson, Harold Brown, 1906-1944 1
- Albert Company 1
- American Express Company (Brookston, Ind.) 1
- American Legion. Indiana Department 1
- American Red Cross 1
- Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America 1
- Anglemeyer, Samuel 1
- Arnold's Ink Company 1
- Atkins, William Coleman, 1911-1937 1
- Automatic Axle Gauge Company 1
- Bailly de Messein, Joseph, 1774-1835 1
- Barr, Harold Standish, 1900-1937 1
- Bartel family 1
- Beckley family 1
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 1
- Beers family 1
- Beers, Forrest William, 1863-1940 1
- Beers, Mary Emma Comstock, 1870-1946 1
- Beggs, Charles 1
- Beggs, James 1
- Beloit College 1
- Bennett, Helen F. 1
- Bergen family 1
- Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914 1
- Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America 1
- Brown family 1
- Brown, Chalmers W., 1848-1928 1
- Bund Deutscher Mädel 1
- Burford, William B. 1
- Burnside, James G., 1873-1969 1
- Buzzard family 1
- Cadle Tabernacle (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
- Campbell's Creek Coal Co. (W.Va.) 1
- Carmichael, Jr., O.C. (Oliver Cromwell) 1
- Cawein, Madison Julius 1
- Chicago and Lake Superior Mining Company 1
- Clemens, Cyril 1
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 1
- Clermont Academy (Clermontville, Ohio) 1
- Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
- Coleman family 1
- Coleman, Sallie E. Downing, 1860-1947 1
- Coleman, William H. (William Henry), 1847 or 1848-1946 1
- Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated 1
- Columbia Club (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
- Comstock family 1
- Comstock, William, 1832-1875 1
- Coulter, Thomas B., 1874-1938 1
- Craig, Clifford William, 1887-1936 1
- Craig, John D. 1
- Crary, Genevieve Alden Walker 1
- Crown Hill Cemetery (Marion County, Ind.) 1
- Crumbacker, Shepherd J., 1917-1986 1
- Daughters of the American Revolution 1
- Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 1
- Davis, William, 1838-1922 1
- DePauw University 1
- Deer family 1
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 1
- Democratic Party (U.S.) 1
- Dickerson, John Williams, 1948- 1
- Disciples of Christ 1
- Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945 1
- Dunbar School (Vincennes, Ind.) 1
- Eaton family 1
- Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931 1
- Egbert, George T. 1
- Ehrmann, Max 1
- Elkhart Business College 1
- Elkhart University of Medical and Dental Technique 1
- Elliott, Jean 1
- Elliott, William Henry, 1844-1914 1
- English, Henry K. 1
- English, Joseph K., 1824- 1
- Fairbanks, Charles W. (Charles Warren), 1852-1918 1
- Fairbanks, Douglas, 1883-1939 1
- Fall Creek and Warren Township Gravel Road Company (Marion County, Ind.) 1
- Faucett, Eva 1
- Foch, Ferdinand, 1851-1929 1
- Fogleman family 1
- Fogleman, David, 1828-1907 1
- Fogleman, Ida, 1872-1953 1
- Forsythe family 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more