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Showing Collections: 571 - 578 of 578

Woodrow Wilson presidential inauguration panoramic photograph

 Collection — Folder: OBF013
Identifier: OBF013
Scope and Contents This collection comprises a black-and-white panoramic photograph from President Woodrow Wilson's inauguration at the U.S. Capitol Building. It was taken by H. W. Brown Photo in Washington, D.C. on either March 4, 1913 or March 5, 1917.
Dates: circa 1913-1917

World War I French war orphan photographs

 Collection — Folder: SP130
Identifier: SP130
Scope and Contents This collection contains 3 black-and-white photographs of French war orphans assisted by war work in Indiana during World War II with handwritten notes of gratitude to their benefactors in French and English. One photograph likely taken in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, France shows an 8-year old child named Pierre Mordrel in 1917, which has a note on the back that reads, "Souvenir affectueux de Pierre Mordrel à son aimable bienfaifrice Mrs. Lucius B. Swift." The other photographs show young men who...
Dates: 1917-circa 1930

World War I "Illustrative Review" dummy copy

 Collection — Folder: S3379
Identifier: S3379
Scope and Contents This collection includes a dummy copy of an "Illustrative Review" of World War I published by the American Publishing Company of New Orleans, Louisiana, circa 1914. It contains primarily photographs of soldiers.
Dates: circa 1914

World War II Defense Bond Rally, Indianapolis photograph collection

 Collection — Folder: SP137
Identifier: SP137
Scope and Contents This collection includes black-and-white photographs taken at the Defense Bond Rally in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 15, 1942 during World War II, depicting Hoosier actress Carole Lombard, Will H. Hays, Eugene C. Pulliam, Governor Henry Schricker, Mayor Reginald H. Sullivan, Dr. Charles B. Coleman, and others. There is also a clipping featuring many photographs from the event.
Dates: 1942/01/15

Young Abe Lincoln statue photograph collection

 Collection — Folder: SP156
Identifier: SP156
Scope and Contents This collection includes black-and-white photographs from the Indiana Department of Conservation and others in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1963, depicting the installation of the Young Abe Lincoln statue, created by sculptor David Kresz Rubins, on the Indiana state government campus and the subsequent unveiling ceremony. There is also a photocopy of an undated newspaper clipping with a photograph of the statue and a caption.
Dates: 1963, undated

Young Men's Christian Association Service Men's Center collection

Identifier: L226
Scope and Contents This collection includes reports from Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) Service Men's Center in Indianapolis, Indiana, ranging from 1965 to 1969, regarding center and its activities. There are also correspondence, notes, invoices, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and photographs concerning Veteran's Day celebrations.
Dates: 1965-1969

Zig Zag Cycle Club collection

Identifier: L218
Scope and Contents The records include club minutes (1895–1896), a register of members, copy of the Zig Zag Cycle Club’s proposed legislation on improving state roads, letters, two issues of Bicycle World (1897), clippings, and photographs from the Zig Zag Cycle Club in Indianapolis, Indiana, ranging from 1895 to 1897.
Dates: 1895-1897

Zion Reform Sunday School photograph album

 Collection — Folder: SP147
Identifier: SP147
Scope and Contents This collection includes a photograph album containing black-and-white photographs dated 1915 and undated. The first half of the album is dedicated to the Zion Reformed Sunday School in Marshall County, Indiana, showing Zion Reformed Church near Culver, Indiana, the people who ran the Sunday school and the students who attended it on June 13, 1915. The album includes handwritten notes about the church. The second half of the album contians snapshots from an unidentified family, including...
Dates: 1915, undated

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Rare Books and Manuscripts 564
Genealogy 14
Photographs 575
Correspondence 218
Indianapolis (Ind.) 164
Clippings 150
Scrapbooks 83
∨ more
Pamphlets 58
World War, 1914-1918 55
Dwellings 54
Family life 54
Postcards 51
Soldiers 51
Photograph albums 50
Family history 47
Societies and clubs 45
Politicians 43
Portraits 43
Programs 43
Politicians -- Indiana 42
World War, 1939-1945 42
Politics and government 41
Buildings 40
Family 39
Schools 36
Ephemera 35
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 35
Minutes (Records) 33
Diaries 32
Certificates 30
Education 30
Genealogy 29
Tintypes 29
Schools -- Indiana 28
Authors -- Indiana 27
Carte de visite photographs 27
Newspaper articles 27
Railroads 27
Students 26
Indiana -- Politics and government 25
Newsletters 25
Teachers 25
Indiana -- Societies and clubs 24
Panoramic photographs 24
Poetry 24
Periodicals 23
Marion County (Ind.) 22
Speeches, addresses, etc. 22
Politicians -- United States -- 20th century 20
Church buildings 19
Courthouses 19
Genealogical research 19
Negatives 19
Receipts (Acknowledgements) 19
Universities and colleges 19
Advertisements 18
Children 18
Indiana -- Politics and government -- 20th century 18
Account books 17
Streets 17
Universities and colleges -- Indiana 17
Women authors 17
Art 16
Indianapolis (Ind.) -- Societies and clubs 16
Military life 16
Parades 16
Photographic slides 16
Governors -- Indiana 15
Manuscripts 15
Maps 15
Railroads -- Indiana 15
Teachers -- Indiana 15
Automobiles 14
Centennial celebrations, etc 14
Education -- Indiana 14
Military veterans 14
State parks 14
Women -- Societies and clubs 14
Artists -- Indiana 13
Bridges 13
Commencement ceremonies 13
High schools -- Indiana 13
Lawyers -- Indiana 13
Presidents -- United States 13
Vincennes (Ind.) 13
Authors and publishers 12
Christmas cards 12
Invitations 12
Monuments 12
Newspapers 12
Political campaigns -- 20th century 12
Washington (D.C.) 12
Farming 11
Financial statements 11
Fort Wayne (Ind.) 11
Hotels 11
Marriage certificates 11
Membership 11
Obituaries 11
Press releases 11
Actors 10
Authors, American -- Indiana -- 20th century 10
∧ less
English 577
German 4
Danish 1
French 1
Japanese 1
Schricker, Henry F. (Henry Fredrick) 12
United States. Army 12
United States. Navy 12
Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916 11
Republican Party (Ind.) 10
∨ more
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 9
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 9
Butler University 8
Indiana State Library 8
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 8
American Red Cross 7
Democratic Party (U.S.) 7
Fairbanks, Charles W. (Charles Warren), 1852-1918 7
Purdue University 7
Daughters of the American Revolution 6
DePauw University 6
Democratic Party (Ind.) 6
Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901 6
Indiana University 6
Indiana. Department of Conservation 6
United States. Army. Division, 38th 6
United States. Congress. House 6
Welsh, Matthew E. (Matthew Empson), 1912-1995 6
American Legion 5
Capehart, Homer E. (Homer Earl) 1897-1979 5
Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954 5
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877 5
Barnhart, Hugh Arthur, 1892-1986 4
Culver Military Academy 4
Earlham College 4
Fairbanks, Cornelia Cole, -1913 4
Goodrich, James P. (James Putnam), 1864-1940 4
Halleck, Charles A. (Charles Abraham), 1900-1986 4
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923 4
Indiana School for the Deaf 4
Indiana State Police 4
Indiana. Department of Natural Resources 4
Indiana. Division of State Parks 4
Indiana. National Guard 4
L.S. Ayres and Company 4
McNutt, Paul V. (Paul Vories), 1891-1955 4
Moore family 4
New, Harry S. (Harry Stewart), 1858-1937 4
Nicholson, Meredith, 1866-1947 4
Pulliam, Eugene C. (Eugene Collins), 1889-1975 4
Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945 4
Ralston, Samuel M. (Samuel Moffett), 1857-1925 4
Shortridge High School (Indianapolis, Ind.) 4
Taggart, Thomas, 1856-1929 4
Ade, George, 1866-1944 3
Adkinson, Harold Brown, 1906-1944 3
Ball State University 3
Benjamin Harrison Home (Museum : Indianapolis, Ind.) 3
Bowen, Otis R. (Otis Ray), 1918-2013 3
Central State Hospital (Indianapolis, Ind.) 3
Dillinger, John, 1903-1934 3
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 3
Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841 3
Hartke, Vance, 1919-2003 3
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 3
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 3
Indiana Historical Commission 3
Indiana. General Assembly. Senate 3
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 3
Jordan College of the Arts 3
Justice Inc. (Ind.) 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Kimbrough, Emily, 1899-1989 3
Kiwanis International. Indiana District 3
Lawton, Henry Ware, 1843-1899 3
Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, 1784-1818 3
Marshall, Thomas Riley, 1854-1925 3
Methodist Episcopal Church 3
Minton, Sherman, 1890-1965 3
National League of American Pen Women 3
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 3
Orr, Robert D. (Robert Dunkerson), 1917-2004 3
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915 : San Francisco, Calif.) 3
Pierre, Edward D., 1890-1971 3
Republican Party (Ind.). State Central Committee 3
Rogers, Will, 1879-1935 3
Sewall, May Wright, 1844-1920 3
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930 3
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 3
United States. Air Force 3
United States. Army. Air Service 3
United States. Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 17th (1861-1865) 3
Wabash College 3
Watson, James E. (James Eli), 1863-1948 3
Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944 3
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924 3
Allen County Public Library (Ind.) 2
Bailly, Joseph, 1774-1835 2
Barker, Myrtie Lillian, 1910-1983 2
Barnhart, Henry A. 2
Bayh, Birch Evans, 1928-2019 2
Beveridge, Albert J. (Albert Jeremiah), 1862-1927 2
Branigin, Roger D. (Roger Douglas), 1902-1975 2
Bruce, Donald C. (Donald Cogley), 1921-1969 2
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1888-1957 2
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