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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 129

Abel D. Streight collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S1266
Scope and Contents This collection includes certificates regarding Abel D. Streight's service in the U.S. Civil War, including as a brigadier general (1861-1871), a portrait of Streight, and a photocopied article from the Columbus, Indiana Evening Republican, dated January 2, 1880, entitled "Ringing Letter from Colonel Streight, What He Thinks of the Exodus," and was reprinted from the Logansport Journal regarding his thoughts on formerly...
Dates: 1861-1880

Albert Alyea diary

 Collection — Folder: S018
Identifier: S0018
Scope and Contents This collection contains the diary of Albert Alyea. Included in the diary are notes about the birth and death dates of his family, his accounts with various stores, weather reports, his barn raising, and accounts of what he sold to other individuals. Alyea also uses the diary to write about his time spent in the Union Army during the Civil War. The diary also contains several additional items, including a newspaper clipping about new fishing laws, a real estate appraisal, and a newspaper...
Dates: 1861-1883

Albert Sahm reminiscences

 Collection — Folder: S1752
Identifier: S1752
Scope and Contents This collection includes an 8-page, typewritten letter written by Albert Sahm on June 28, 1934 and sent to Miss Esther U. McNitt at the Indiana State Library regarding his reminiscences of Ft. Wayne Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana. The collection also contains two copies, one handwritten and one typewritten, of Sahm's "Reminiscences of Ft. Wayne Ave Continued." Accompanying the letter are a map of the intersection of Walnut and Delaware Streets and Ft. Wayne Avenue and 6 clippings of Kate...
Dates: 1934

Alida E. Morris letter

 Collection — Folder: S0987
Identifier: S0987
Scope and Contents This collection consists of a letter from Alida E. Morris to the Indiana State Library on June 13, 1944, concerning biographies of Hoosier pioneer women teachers and a newspaper article about the biographies.
Dates: 1944

Amateur newspaper collection

Identifier: L577
Scope and Contents This collection includes printed newspapers from various presses across Indiana ranging from 1876 to 1891.
Dates: 1876-1891

American Lung Association of Central Indiana collection

Identifier: L627
Scope and Contents This collection contains organizational records including administrative records, financial information, correspondence, reports, statistical data and maps, broadsides, pamphlets and periodicals, scrapbooks, photographs, and audiovisual materials from the American Lung Association of Central Indiana and its primary predecessor, the Marion County Tuberculosis Association, in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from 1903 to 1977 regarding the organizations' activities in the eradication of tuberculosis...
Dates: 1903-1977

Andrew Wylie collection

 Collection — Folder: S1468
Identifier: S1468
Scope and Contents This collection includes a letter written by Andrew Wylie in Bloomington, Indiana to Senator Oliver H. Smith of Indiana in Washington, D.C. on March 13, 1840, regarding a speech the senator gave and Wylie's writing. There are also several newspaper clipping of Kate Milner Rabb's column, "A Hoosier Listening Post," in theIndianapolis Star from 1929 and 1931 regarding Andrew Wylie and his correspondence.
Dates: 1840, 1929-1931

August Leich collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2209
Scope and Contents This collection contains news clippings from Columbus, Evansville and Rockport, Indiana newspapers ranging from 1917 to 1929 regarding U.S. Civil War veterans and the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.). The collection also contains three volumes created by August Leich regarding the G.A.R. and Company F, 24th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Volume 1 comprises registration records from the Department of the Indiana G.A.R. annual encampment at Evansville, Indiana in May, 1916 and...
Dates: 1877-1931

Benjamin Harrison clippings collection

 Collection — Folder: OBC195
Identifier: OBC195
Scope and Contents This collection contains newspaper clippings regarding Benjamin Harrison ranging from 1888 to 1901. Some include news coverage of his funeral.
Dates: 1888-1901

Bernard F. Mullen collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2309
Scope and Contents This collection contains research material compiled by Andrew Mullen, C.P.P.S. of the St. Charles Seminary at Carthagena, Ohio, regarding his great grandfather, Bernard F. Mullen. The research documents include typewritten transcriptions of newspaper articles and military correspondence and orders ranging from 1860 to 1863. A number of the transcribed military documents are noted as coming from the National Archives. A transcription of Bernard Mullen's obituary from the February 12, 1879 ...
Dates: 1860-1976

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Rare Books and Manuscripts 128
Genealogy 1
Clippings 69
Correspondence 59
Photographs 27
Scrapbooks 25
Indianapolis (Ind.) 22
∨ more
Politics and government 14
Pamphlets 13
Diaries 12
Newspapers 11
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 11
Family life 10
Newsletters 10
Indiana -- Politics and government 9
Authors -- Indiana 7
Ephemera 7
Essays 7
Periodicals 7
Women authors 7
Biography 6
Certificates 6
Minutes (Records) 6
Poetry 6
Speeches, addresses, etc. 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
Account books 5
Broadsides 5
Family history 5
Indiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Indiana -- Politics and government -- 20th century 5
Maps 5
Newspaper columns 5
Photostats 5
Politicians 5
Politicians -- Indiana 5
Postcards 5
Societies and clubs 5
Teachers 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Military life 5
Artists 4
Artists -- Indiana 4
Authors and publishers 4
Christmas 4
Christmas cards 4
Clergy -- Indiana 4
Family 4
Frontier and pioneer life -- Indiana 4
Indiana -- Politics and government -- 19th century 4
Manuscripts 4
Medical care 4
Methodists 4
Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc. 4
Physicians 4
Press releases 4
Programs 4
Shelby County (Ind.) 4
Soldiers 4
Students 4
Temperance 4
Textiles 4
Travel 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 4
Women artists 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
Advertisements 3
Annual reports 3
Art 3
Articles 3
Diseases 3
Dwellings 3
Genealogical research 3
Indiana -- Societies and clubs 3
Indians of North America 3
Local history -- Indiana 3
New Deal, 1933-1939 3
Obituaries 3
Peru (Ind.) 3
Poets, American 3
Receipts (Acknowledgements) 3
Sheet music 3
Songs 3
Souvenirs (Keepsakes) 3
Teachers -- Indiana 3
Tickets 3
Washington (D.C.) 3
Wayne County (Ind.) 3
Accounts 2
Advertising 2
American poetry -- 20th century 2
Artists -- United States 2
Authors, American -- Indiana -- 20th century 2
Autobiography 2
Autograph albums 2
Awards 2
Badges 2
Biographical sketches 2
Biography -- Indiana 2
Books 2
Business 2
California Gold Rush, 1848-1852 2
∧ less
Rabb, Kate Milner, 1866-1937 10
Daughters of the American Revolution 3
Indianapolis Star and News 3
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 3
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1859-1947 2
∨ more
Democratic Party (Ind.) 2
English's Opera House (Indianapolis, Ind.) 2
Grand Army of the Republic (U.S.) 2
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923 2
Indiana State Library 2
Indiana University 2
Indianapolis News 2
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
Methodist Episcopal Church 2
National American Woman Suffrage Association 2
Ralston, Samuel M. (Samuel Moffett), 1857-1925 2
Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916 2
Smith, Oliver H. (Oliver Hampton), 1794-1859 2
United States. Congress. House 2
Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818 1
Adams, Louisa Catherine, 1775-1852 1
Alyea, Albert 1
American Fur Company 1
American Institute of Architects. Indianapolis Chapter 1
American Legion 1
American Legion Peace Symbol Foundation 1
American Legion. "Buck" O'Connell Bell Telephone Post No. 134 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. Broad Ripple Post No. 3 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. Bruce P. Robison Post No. 133 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. Indianapolis Post No. 4 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. Irvington Post No. 38 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. John H. Holliday, Jr. Post No. 186 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Legion. Madden Nottingham Post No. 348 (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
American Library Association 1
American Lung Association 1
American Lung Association of Central Indiana 1
Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906 1
Apperson Brothers Automobile Company 1
Apperson, Edgar Landon, 1869-1959 1
Architects Association of Indianapolis 1
Arsenal Technical High School (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
Arthur, Joseph, 1848-1906 1
Avaline, James 1
Ayres, Leslie F. 1
Baldwin, Jacob Raymond, 1886-1982 1
Barker, Myrtie Lillian, 1910-1983 1
Bayh, Birch Evans, 1928-2019 1
Bearrs, Daniel, 1809-1884 1
Blodgett, William Henry 1
Blouke, Pierre 1
Bond, Charles 1
Bond, Lavinia Anna 1
Bourie, John B. 1
Brademas, John, 1927- 1
Bradley, Burr 1
Brady, John Green 1
Brann, Louis J. (Louis Jefferson), 1876-1948 1
Brenneman, Gladys 1
Brenton, Samuel 1
Brigham, Harold F. (Harold Frederick), 1897-1971 1
Bright, Jesse D. (Jesse David) 1
Bright, Michael G. (Michael Graham), 1803-1881 1
Bruce, Donald C. (Donald Cogley), 1921-1969 1
Bruner, Margaret E., 1886-1971 1
Buel, Alexander Woodruff 1
Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917 1
Burgess family 1
Burhenn, Velda Whitmer, 1900-1935 1
Burke, Andrew 1
Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836 1
Bush Stadium (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
Butler, Henry Fielding 1
Butler, William Allen 1
Cannon, Fermor Spencer 1
Carmony, Donald F. (Donald Francis) 1
Carter, Jesse B., 1840-1930 1
Cass County Historical Society (Ind.) 1
Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866 1
Cawein, Madison Julius 1
Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane 1
Central State Hospital (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1
Chandler family 1
Children's Aid Society (New York, N.Y.) 1
Chouteau, Pierre 1
Chute, Richard 1
Circle City Sirens (Hockey team) 1
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
Clark, William, 1770-1838 1
Clarke, Grace Julian, 1865-1938 1
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 1
Clermont Academy (Clermontville, Ohio) 1
Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury) 1
Cole, A. A. (Alphonso Albert) 1
Cole, Able 1
Coleman, Christopher Bush, 1875-1944 1
Community Chest of Indianapolis (Indiana) 1
Conrad, Larry Allyn, 1935-1990 1
Constitution Day Committee 1
Construction League of Indianapolis 1
Coquillard, Alexis (1825-1890) 1
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