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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 188

Carlock family photographs

 Collection — Folder: SP058
Identifier: SP058
Scope and Contents This collection includes 7 photographs from the Carlock family in North Manchester and Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from circa 1897 to 1905 regarding Daniel Carlock as a child and teenager posing and playing outside in goat-drawn carts and on bicycles and his father, Willis Carlock.
Dates: circa 1897-1905

Christian H. Tharp collection

 Collection — Folder: S1299
Identifier: S1299
Scope and Contents This collection includes photocopied letters from Christian H. Tharp ranging from 1867-1901 regarding family news and community events.
Dates: 1867-1901

Christian Schrader collection

Identifier: L573
Scope and Contents This collection includes correspondence, pencil drawings, negatives, 35mm slides, and family photographs from Christian Schrader in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from circa 1842 to 1987, regarding Schrader’s family, friends, and early Indianapolis. Schrader includes rough dates for the subjects he depicts in the drawings, but many of them were created from his recollections later in life. There are also oversize drawings (OBE017).Negatives are available for most of the drawings. In...
Dates: 1842-1987

Clara Gascho family history narrative

 Collection — Folder: S2851
Identifier: S2851
Scope and Contents This collection comprises a one-page, typed historical narrative about the Gascho family and their migration from Pennsylvania to Indiana in 1847 created by Clara J. Gascho, wich is undated.
Dates: undated

Claude Mason photograph album

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: P028
Scope and Contents This collection includes a photograph album with snapshots from Claude Mason in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from 1901 to 1914 and undated regarding his day-to-day life, family, friends, holidays, recreational activities, and various sites concerning his work as a civil engineer. There is also an envelope with loose photographs from the album.
Dates: 1901-1914, undated

Clore and Garr family letters

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S0503
Scope and Contents This collection includes photocopies of letters written by the Clore and Garr families ranging from 1844-1879. The correspondence contains discussions about the weather, crops, family news, and the Civil War. Many of the letters were sent to John and Ann Garr by Ann's parents and siblings. They also received letters from their daughter, Mary; John's brother, Franklin; and his sister, Priscilla (1844-1866). The collection also contains family correspondence to and from James O. Garr (1868-1879).
Dates: 1844-1879

Coleman family photograph collection

Identifier: P019
Scope and Contents This collection includes black-and-white photographs and a couple postcards and dinner menus from the Coleman family taken in Indianapolis, Indiana, New York, California and other parts of the United States; Paris, France; Japan; United Kingdom; and Chile ranging from 1876 to 1935 and undated regarding family life and travel. Many of the photographs are individual portraits of unidentified family members and friends, while others are snapshots of the Colemans and others on vacation and going...
Dates: 1803-1935, undated

Connie Beck papers

Identifier: L436
Scope and Contents This collection includes war ration books, genealogies, correspondence, guest and funeral books, greeting cards, photographs from the Rock, Beck and Sherrer families in Indiana, Missouri and elsewhere ranging from 1908 to 1962, regarding family genealogy, finances and business, correspondence with friends, World War II life, the Philippines, and Stephens College.
Dates: 1908-1962

Cornelius Mayer papers

Identifier: L402
Scope and Contents This collection includes letters, official and legal documents, photographs and family papers, articles about Cornelius Mayer, and other materials belonging to Mayer ranging from 1628 to 1944 regarding Cornelius Mayer's family, his life and work, including drawing, and family business. There is also heraldic information, complete issues of the publication, Gewerbehalle, a German decorative arts periodical, a German rifle care manual, and a confectioners' recipe...
Dates: 1628-1944

Crawford family photograph collection

 Collection — Folder: SP023
Identifier: SP023
Scope and Contents This collection includes photographs from the Crawford and Dawson families in Indiana ranging from circa 1890s to 1910s, depicting portraits of children, young adults, and family groups, and snapsnots of family members, which include a couple of American soliders, probably around World War I.
Dates: circa 1890-circa 1910

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Correspondence 98
Photographs 54
Indianapolis (Ind.) 34
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 32
Clippings 29
∨ more
Diaries 25
Family history 22
Family 21
Farming 20
Politics and government 20
Dwellings 14
Genealogy 14
Oral history interviews 14
Postcards 14
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Military life 14
Frontier and pioneer life -- Indiana 13
Soldiers 13
Transcriptions 13
Certificates 12
Frontier and pioneer life 12
Personal narratives 12
Photograph albums 12
Receipts (Acknowledgements) 12
World War, 1914-1918 12
Account books 11
Agriculture -- Indiana 11
Pamphlets 11
Advertisements 10
Indiana -- Politics and government 10
Newspaper articles 10
Portraits 10
Scrapbooks 10
World War, 1939-1945 10
Education 9
Speeches, addresses, etc. 9
Agriculture 8
Farmers -- Indiana 8
Indiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Military life 8
Politicians -- Indiana 8
Reminiscing 8
Schools 8
Tintypes 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 8
United States -- Politics and government --19th century 8
Childhood and youth 7
Clergy -- Indiana 7
Diseases 7
Lawyers -- Indiana 7
Manuscripts 7
Marion County (Ind.) 7
Railroads 7
Reel-to-reel audiotapes 7
Travel 7
Artists -- Indiana 6
Authors -- Indiana 6
Biography -- Indiana 6
Business records 6
Carte de visite photographs 6
Church history 6
Evansville (Ind.) 6
Farm life -- Indiana 6
Illinois 6
Marriage certificates 6
Poetry 6
Programs 6
Real property 6
Teachers 6
Art 5
Artists 5
Biography 5
Children 5
Cincinnati (Ohio) 5
Contracts 5
Deeds 5
Education -- Indiana 5
Greeting cards 5
Societies and clubs 5
Students 5
Teachers -- Indiana 5
Textiles 5
Weather 5
Advertising cards 4
Arkansas 4
Audiocassettes 4
Autobiography 4
Bloomington (Ind.) 4
Buildings 4
Business 4
Businesspeople -- Indiana 4
California 4
Church history -- Indiana 4
Death 4
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States 4
Genealogical research 4
Health 4
Hotels 4
Indians of North America 4
Iowa 4
∧ less
Indiana State Library 8
Ku Klux Klan (1915-) 4
Methodist Episcopal Church 4
Bell, Susan I. 3
Democratic Party (Ind.) 3
∨ more
United States. Congress. House 3
United States. Navy 3
Whig Party (U.S.) 3
Allen family 2
Bearrs, Daniel, 1809-1884 2
Bright, Jesse D. (Jesse David) 2
Conner, William, 1777-1855 2
Davis family 2
DePauw University 2
Defrees, John D. (John Dougherty), 1810 or 1811-1882 2
Edwards, Marie Stuart, 1880-1970 2
Ewing, George Washington, 1804-1866 2
Gary Public Library (Gary, Ind.) 2
Grand Army of the Republic (U.S.) 2
Hamilton, Allen, 1798-1864 2
Hannah, Samuel 2
Hanover College 2
Harrod, Mildred Dixon, 1906-1994 2
Indiana Woman's Prison 2
Indiana. General Assembly 2
Indianapolis Public Library 2
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 2
Ketcham, Jane Merrill, 1819-1911 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 2
Moore family 2
Nelson family 2
Noble, Noah, 1794-1844 2
Parker, Katharine McAfee, 1896- 2
Pepper, Abel C. (Abel Claypole), 1793-1860 2
Porter family 2
Rabb, Kate Milner, 1866-1937 2
Richardville, Jean Baptiste, 1761-1841 2
Robinson, Solon, 1803-1880 2
Smith, Oliver H. (Oliver Hampton), 1794-1859 2
Taber, Cyrus 2
Taylor family 2
Tipton, John, 1786-1839 2
United States. Army. Indiana Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1861-1865) 2
United States. Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1861-1865) 2
United States. Congress. Senate. 2
Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862 2
Van Pelt family 2
Wabash Carnegie Public Library (Ind.) 2
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905 2
Wells County Public Library (Ind.) 2
Whitcomb, James, 1795-1852 2
Adair, E. Ross (Edwin Ross), 1907-1983 1
Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818 1
Adams, Enoch 1
Adams, Louisa Catherine, 1775-1852 1
Adams, Wayman, 1883-1959 1
Aeschliman, Samuel, 1891-1980 1
Akron Carnegie Public Library (Ind.) 1
Albert, Ben 1
Albietz, Donald 1
Aleksa, John 1
Aleska family 1
Alexander, Lowene C. 1
Allen, Elizabeth Jane Roby 1
Allen, Florence, 1899-1983 1
Allen, George, 1836-1895 1
Allen, Mildred 1
Allis family 1
Allis, Adelaide 1
Allis, Harrison 1
Allis, Henry D. 1
American Fur Company 1
American Red Cross 1
Amos, Francis 1
Anderson, Ira J. 1
Applegate family 1
Armstrong, C. L. 1
Arnold, Eleanor 1
Arnold, Mildred I. 1
Atkins, Katharine 1
Atkins, William Coleman, 1911-1937 1
Aughinbaugh, Henry 1
Austin, Spencer P. 1
Avaline, James 1
Bacon, Albion Fellows 1
Bailey family 1
Bailiff family 1
Baker, Sarah F. 1
Baldwin, Jacob Raymond, 1886-1982 1
Ball State University 1
Banta, Ray 1
Barker, Jerry 1
Barker, Myrtie Lillian, 1910-1983 1
Barnett family 1
Barnett, Ambrose 1
Barnett, George, 1827-1892 1
Barnett, Henry J. 1
Barnett, John P. 1
Barnett, Thomas W., 1817-1882 1
Barton, John J. 1
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