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Showing Collections: 181 - 188 of 188

Wabash Carnegie Public Library oral history transcripts

Identifier: OH033
Scope and Contents This collection contains oral history transcripts of interviews with 45 individuals, conducted by George Dingledy for the Wabash Carnegie Public Library Oral History Project ranging from 1971 to 1986, regarding their lives and the history of Wabash, Indiana and the surrounding area.
Dates: 1971-1986

Walker family collection

Identifier: L369
Scope and Contents This collection includes correspondence, various documents, photographs, and memorabilia from the Walker family of New Albany, Indiana. The collection contains Francis Walker's Clermont (Ohio) Academy writings; his and his wife Mary's family correspondence (1851-1913); his correspondence from other Methodist ministers and DePauw University officials (1860s-1910); his and Mary's writings (1848-1901); and some letters and documents of his father, James Walker (1820-1837). The bulk of...
Dates: 1820-1988, undated

Waterman family papers

Identifier: L174
Scope and Contents This collection contains copies of the papers and documents of the Waterman Family in DeKalb County, Indiana ranging from 1829 to 1896 regarding family life and business affairs. Also included are copies of the correspondences between Elijah and Thomas Waterman.
Dates: 1829-1896

Wayman Adams collection

 Collection — Folder: S1245
Identifier: S1245
Scope and Contents The collection includes 11 original, signed linocut (linoleum block) greeting cards made by Wayman Adams, 10 of which are Christmas cards from 1924 to 1933. The last is a New Year's card from 1935. Most of the cards depict, Adams' son, Wayman "Snig" Adams, Jr. The collection also includes a photograph of Wayman Adams and Frank Atkins, shore captain of the schooner Regina, in the doorway of Booth Tarkington’s boat house on the Kennebunk River in Maine.
Dates: 1924-1935

William M. Deiwert journal

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: S2235
Scope and Contents This collection includes photocopies of William M. Deiwert's daily journal containing entries ranging from June 27, 1906 to March 10, 1909. The first 9 pages of the journal were used to record the names and birthdates of his wife, children and grandchildren.
Dates: 1906-1909

William P. Long diaries

Identifier: L302
Scope and Contents This collection includes photocopies of William P. Long's pocket diaries from 1897, 1900, and 1903, with daily entries covering various topics such as the weather, family, friends, church news, and farm activities.
Dates: 1897-1903

William Shaw collection

Identifier: S1172
Scope and Contents This collection includes handwritten letters and envelopes from family members of William Shaw and wife, Linda Rous in Scotland and England ranging from 1827-1874 regarding family and life. Also included is one newspaper clipping and a copy of newspaper clipping written by Archibald Shaw.
Dates: 1827-1874

Woods family letters

 Collection — Folder: S3325
Identifier: S3325
Scope and Contents This collection includes two letters from Eva and Thomas Wood of Arkansas to C. F. Turner in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1934 regarding family illnesses, and the fact they are moving back to Camden, Arkansas, and Thomas's job at a furniture factory.
Dates: 1934

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Correspondence 98
Photographs 54
Indianapolis (Ind.) 34
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 32
Clippings 29
∨ more
Diaries 25
Family history 22
Family 21
Farming 20
Politics and government 20
Dwellings 14
Genealogy 14
Oral history interviews 14
Postcards 14
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Military life 14
Frontier and pioneer life -- Indiana 13
Soldiers 13
Transcriptions 13
Certificates 12
Frontier and pioneer life 12
Personal narratives 12
Photograph albums 12
Receipts (Acknowledgements) 12
World War, 1914-1918 12
Account books 11
Agriculture -- Indiana 11
Pamphlets 11
Advertisements 10
Indiana -- Politics and government 10
Newspaper articles 10
Portraits 10
Scrapbooks 10
World War, 1939-1945 10
Education 9
Speeches, addresses, etc. 9
Agriculture 8
Farmers -- Indiana 8
Indiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Military life 8
Politicians -- Indiana 8
Reminiscing 8
Schools 8
Tintypes 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 8
United States -- Politics and government --19th century 8
Childhood and youth 7
Clergy -- Indiana 7
Diseases 7
Lawyers -- Indiana 7
Manuscripts 7
Marion County (Ind.) 7
Railroads 7
Reel-to-reel audiotapes 7
Travel 7
Artists -- Indiana 6
Authors -- Indiana 6
Biography -- Indiana 6
Business records 6
Carte de visite photographs 6
Church history 6
Evansville (Ind.) 6
Farm life -- Indiana 6
Illinois 6
Marriage certificates 6
Poetry 6
Programs 6
Real property 6
Teachers 6
Art 5
Artists 5
Biography 5
Children 5
Cincinnati (Ohio) 5
Contracts 5
Deeds 5
Education -- Indiana 5
Greeting cards 5
Societies and clubs 5
Students 5
Teachers -- Indiana 5
Textiles 5
Weather 5
Advertising cards 4
Arkansas 4
Audiocassettes 4
Autobiography 4
Bloomington (Ind.) 4
Buildings 4
Business 4
Businesspeople -- Indiana 4
California 4
Church history -- Indiana 4
Death 4
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States 4
Genealogical research 4
Health 4
Hotels 4
Indians of North America 4
Iowa 4
∧ less
Indiana State Library 8
Ku Klux Klan (1915-) 4
Methodist Episcopal Church 4
Bell, Susan I. 3
Democratic Party (Ind.) 3
∨ more
United States. Congress. House 3
United States. Navy 3
Whig Party (U.S.) 3
Allen family 2
Bearrs, Daniel, 1809-1884 2
Bright, Jesse D. (Jesse David) 2
Conner, William, 1777-1855 2
Davis family 2
DePauw University 2
Defrees, John D. (John Dougherty), 1810 or 1811-1882 2
Edwards, Marie Stuart, 1880-1970 2
Ewing, George Washington, 1804-1866 2
Gary Public Library (Gary, Ind.) 2
Grand Army of the Republic (U.S.) 2
Hamilton, Allen, 1798-1864 2
Hannah, Samuel 2
Hanover College 2
Harrod, Mildred Dixon, 1906-1994 2
Indiana Woman's Prison 2
Indiana. General Assembly 2
Indianapolis Public Library 2
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 2
Ketcham, Jane Merrill, 1819-1911 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 2
Moore family 2
Nelson family 2
Noble, Noah, 1794-1844 2
Parker, Katharine McAfee, 1896- 2
Pepper, Abel C. (Abel Claypole), 1793-1860 2
Porter family 2
Rabb, Kate Milner, 1866-1937 2
Richardville, Jean Baptiste, 1761-1841 2
Robinson, Solon, 1803-1880 2
Smith, Oliver H. (Oliver Hampton), 1794-1859 2
Taber, Cyrus 2
Taylor family 2
Tipton, John, 1786-1839 2
United States. Army. Indiana Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1861-1865) 2
United States. Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1861-1865) 2
United States. Congress. Senate. 2
Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862 2
Van Pelt family 2
Wabash Carnegie Public Library (Ind.) 2
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905 2
Wells County Public Library (Ind.) 2
Whitcomb, James, 1795-1852 2
Adair, E. Ross (Edwin Ross), 1907-1983 1
Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818 1
Adams, Enoch 1
Adams, Louisa Catherine, 1775-1852 1
Adams, Wayman, 1883-1959 1
Aeschliman, Samuel, 1891-1980 1
Akron Carnegie Public Library (Ind.) 1
Albert, Ben 1
Albietz, Donald 1
Aleksa, John 1
Aleska family 1
Alexander, Lowene C. 1
Allen, Elizabeth Jane Roby 1
Allen, Florence, 1899-1983 1
Allen, George, 1836-1895 1
Allen, Mildred 1
Allis family 1
Allis, Adelaide 1
Allis, Harrison 1
Allis, Henry D. 1
American Fur Company 1
American Red Cross 1
Amos, Francis 1
Anderson, Ira J. 1
Applegate family 1
Armstrong, C. L. 1
Arnold, Eleanor 1
Arnold, Mildred I. 1
Atkins, Katharine 1
Atkins, William Coleman, 1911-1937 1
Aughinbaugh, Henry 1
Austin, Spencer P. 1
Avaline, James 1
Bacon, Albion Fellows 1
Bailey family 1
Bailiff family 1
Baker, Sarah F. 1
Baldwin, Jacob Raymond, 1886-1982 1
Ball State University 1
Banta, Ray 1
Barker, Jerry 1
Barker, Myrtie Lillian, 1910-1983 1
Barnett family 1
Barnett, Ambrose 1
Barnett, George, 1827-1892 1
Barnett, Henry J. 1
Barnett, John P. 1
Barnett, Thomas W., 1817-1882 1
Barton, John J. 1
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