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Sinconian Literary Society minute book

Identifier: V281

Scope and Contents

This volume contains the constitution, bylaws, member lists, and meeting minutes of the Sinconian Literary Society at the Union Christian College in Merom, Indiana, ranging from 1863 to 1880, regarding the club's activities.


  • 1863-1880


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Rare Books and Manuscripts, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, IN. All requests to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Administrative History

The Sinconian Literary Society originally began as the Orion Constellation in 1856, a combination of separate men's and women's debating societies at Merom Academy, the Washington Star and Aurora Borealis, respectively. It went through multiple name changes, including Philomathean Society and the Union Literary Association. Finally, after a fracture in membership, the Sinconian Society was formed in 1863 at the Union Christian College in Merom, Indiana.


0.01 Cubic Feet (1 volume)

Language of Materials



This collection consists of one item.

Custodial History

This collection was received by Rare Books and Manuscripts as a donation from Clarence S. Payne on 1952/07/16.


No further additions are expected.

Processing Information

Collection processing completed 2024/09/26 by Lauren Patton. EAD finding aid created 2024/09/26 by Lauren Patton.
Sinconian Literary Society minute book
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Repository Details

Part of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Repository

140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 U.S.A.