"Old Settlers of Wayne County" newspaper articles
Collection — Folder: S1937
Identifier: S1937
Scope and Contents
This collection includes typescripts of "Old Settlers of Wayne County," a series of articles that ran in the Richmond Palladium from July 26, 1860 to January 31, 1861. The series consisted of 18 articles and the collection has all but the 9th article that ran in the October 18, 1860 issue of the newspaper. The typescripts include edit marks in pencil.
- 1860-1861
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
Conditions Governing Use
Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Rare Books and Manuscripts, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, IN. All requests to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to Rare Books and Manuscripts.
Historical Note
In February 1805, Richard Rue, George Holman and sons Joseph and William, Joseph Cox and Mary Rue Cox, Thomas McCoy, William Blunt, and Patrick O'Hara came from Kentucky and became the first white settlers in what is now the Elkhorn and Abington areas of Wayne County, Indiana. Located in east-central Indiana, the county was organized in 1810 and named for General "Mad" Anthony Wayne. The first permanent settlers on the present site of Richmond, the county seat, were North Carolina Quakers John Smith and Jeremiah Cox who arrived in 1806 via the Quaker Settlements in Western Ohio. The first issue of the Richmond Palladium was printed January 1, 1831. Over the years, it acquired other newspapers and is now published under the name of the Palladium-Item and its continuous publication gives it the distinction of being the second oldest newspaper in Indiana.
Information found within collection.
Waynet, Inc. "Historical Timeline." Discover Wayne County: Facts and Figures. Accessed September 24, 2020. https://www.waynet.org/facts/history_dates.htm.
Waynet, Inc. "History of Richmond and Wayne County, Indiana." Discover Wayne County. Accessed September 24, 2020. https://www.waynet.org/facts/history.htm.
Information found within collection.
Waynet, Inc. "Historical Timeline." Discover Wayne County: Facts and Figures. Accessed September 24, 2020. https://www.waynet.org/facts/history_dates.htm.
Waynet, Inc. "History of Richmond and Wayne County, Indiana." Discover Wayne County. Accessed September 24, 2020. https://www.waynet.org/facts/history.htm.
0.01 Cubic Feet (1 folder)
Language of Materials
This collection is arranged chronologically.
Custodial History
This collection was received by Rare Books and Manuscripts as a records transfer from the Indiana Division clippings file.
No further additions are expected.
Processing Information
Collection processing completed in 1998 by Jennifer Born. EAD finding aid created 2020/09/24 by Laura Eliason.
- Title
- "Old Settlers of Wayne County" newspaper articles
- Status
- Completed
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
Repository Details
Part of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Repository
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 U.S.A.
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 U.S.A.