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Craig A. Martindale photograph collection

Identifier: P054

Scope and Contents

This collection includes 35mm slides, film, and papers most likely from Craig A. Martindale in Indianapolis, Indiana ranging from 1983 to 1996, undated regarding family, county fairs, a 1992 fountain dedication at Butler University, vacations, agriculture, business, presentations, astronomy and astronautics, and 1996 finalists for the Ernst and Young LLP (EY) Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Some of the images seem to be guide and stock images used in business slide presentations.


  • 1983-1996, undated

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Rare Books and Manuscripts, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, IN. All requests to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Biographical Note

The original creator of this collection may have been the following person:

Craig Arthur Martindale was born to James H. and Joan L. Martindale in New York, New York circa 1958. He married Lois L. Albertson and they had at least one son, Corey Allen, and possibly Jason Craig. The couple filed for divorce in 1993. He worked as director of marketing services for Management Resources, Inc. from 1992 to 1996 in Fishers, Indiana.


Items in the collection. "Craig Martindale." Indiana, U.S., Marriage Certificates, 1960-2005. Accessed August 24, 2021.

"For the Record: Divorce Lawsuits Filed." Indianapolis Star, June 10, 1993, 14. Accessed August 24, 2021. ProQuest.

LinkedIn. "Craig Martindale." Profile. Accessed August 24, 2021.

"The Martindales' 50th." Indianapolis Star, June 27, 2004, 134. Accessed August 24, 2021. ProQuest.

Administrative History

"ERNST and YOUNG is an international accounting firm with more than 600 offices worldwide, including more than 100 offices in the U.S. One of the country's "Big 6" accounting firms, it traces its origins locally to the firm of Ernst and Ernst. In 1903 Alwyn C. and Theodore Ernst opened an accounting office in the Schofield Bldg. (E. 9th St. Tower). The 2-man operation struggled for existence at a time when accounting was considered little more than routine bookkeeping. After Theodore had left the firm in 1906, Alwyn C. remained the managing partner until his death in 1948. Novel for its time, Alwyn C.'s concept of accounting as a creative discipline was the foundation of Ernst and Ernst's success. Implementing his philosophy, Ernst created the Special Services Dept. in 1908, the predecessor of current management-consulting services. The first offices outside Cleveland were opened in Chicago and New York in 1909, followed by several other cities in quick succession. During the 1920s, the firm became national in scope, opening 26 more offices and moving its Cleveland office to the Union Trust (Huntington) Bldg. In 1923 Ernst entered into a working agreement with Sir Arthur Whinney and Sir Chas. Palmour, partners of the British accounting firm Whinney, Murray and Co. The arrangement proved to be mutually satisfactory, and over the years it evolved into Whinney, Murray, Ernst and Ernst, the international operations of Ernst and Ernst. A reorganization in 1979 resulted in the formation of Ernst and Whinney Intl., with international offices in New York and national headquarters in Cleveland. In 1989 Ernst and Whitney merged with Arthur Young of New York as Ernst and Young. While the chairman is located in New York, the firm maintained 4 national offices in Cleveland (Natl. City Ctr.), New York, Washington, and Dallas. In 1993 Ernst and Young employed 20,000 nationally and 64,000 worldwide."

Text from: "Ernst and Young." Encyclopedia of Cleveland History. Case Western Univeristy, Cleveland, OH. Accessed Augsut 24, 2021.

Ernest and Young LLP (EY) gives out Entrepreneur of the Year awards locally and nationally and has done so since at least the 1990s. They gave the Community Spirit Entrepreneur of the Year award to P.E. MacAllister of Indianapolis in 1996.


Items in the collection.

Ernest and Young. "Entrepreneur of the Year US." Accessed August 24, 2021.

MacAllister Machinery. "P.E. MacAllister." Accessed August 24, 2021.


0.5 Cubic Feet (1 manuscript box, 1 small manuscript box)

Language of Materials



This collection is arranged by subject and original order.

Custodial History

This collection was received by Rare Books and Manuscripts as a donation from the Indianapolis Public Library on 2011/03/07.


No further additions are expected.

Processing Information

Collection processing completed 2021/08/23 by Brittany Kropf. EAD finding aid created 2021/08/23 by Brittany Kropf.
Craig A. Martindale photograph collection
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Repository

140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 U.S.A.